How To Grow Marijuana Outside

Learning How To Grow Marijuana Outside Can Be A Challenge


So you are lucky enough to live in a climate where you can grow your own marijuana outside. Just like anything you will need to learn just how to grow marijuana outside so you can successfully get a crop.

Your goal will be to get some high producing plants that will give you a spectacular yield. You want a big enough crop to last you for a while.

how to grow marijuana outside
growing marijuana outside

So what do you need to do to prepare for your own outdoor grow?

Preparation For Growing Marijuana Outdoors

The first thing you need to do is decide whether you will be planting directly in the soil or are you going to be putting them in pots outside. As you may have guessed there are pros and cons to both of these methods. Let’s take a look at what you need to grow your own marijuana plants outside directly in the soil.

The first thing you need to consider is the climate. Is it warm enough? Do you have enough sunlight in the day?

Next you need to find out how good is the soil. Do you need to add nutrients to the soil in preparation of growing your own plants? What type of nutrients do you need to add?

Should you grow from seeds or clones?

I am sure there are other things to take into consideration but let’s look at these things first.

How Does Sunlight Affect Your Marijuana Plant

Sunlight or light is crucial to the life of your own marijuana plant. It is often said that the more sunlight a plant gets the bigger yield you will get. The first thing that starts to grow on your own marijuana plant are the stems and leaves. These stems and leaves take in more sunlight which aids in the growth of your own plant.

how to grow marijuana outside
outdoor plant

You will need to look for a place that is going to get a lot of sunlight during the daytime hours. Also you will need to find a place that is protected from bad weather such as high winds. Your plant should be exposed to at least five hours of direct sun and another five of indirect sun.

You often see on cop shows where they go into the woods looking for marijuana plants that someone is growing illegally. This would be the worst place to try to grow your own marijuana plants. They would literally be fighting for their lives as they try to get the sunlight that they desperately need to survive. The tall trees that they are surrounded by would be blocking the much-needed sunlight.

When you first start to grow marijuana if you are unsure where to plant you might try a couple of different locations and see which one is better for future grows.

When you are growing outside directly in the soil your own plant can become quite tall so you might want to plant in a location that is not too visible to other people.

Next we should take a look at what your own soil needs to help with a successful grow.

What Makes Good Growing Soil For Your Marijuana Plant

There are other mediums to grow marijuana plants in but soil seems to be the favourite. For one thing most people are familiar with soil. At one time most of us have had a vegetable garden so we are familiar with how things grow in soil. Another factor is the cost. Soil is much cheaper than some other alternatives available.

So since we are growing outside in the soil we should first test our soil and check on the quality of the soil.

grow marijuana outside
good soil

Marijuana can grow in almost any type of soil. That being said if you are looking for plants that are high in THC you are going to need a well-balanced soil of nutrients and acid levels. It is easy and relatively inexpensive to have your own soil tested. Knowing what your own soil needs will enable you to mix up the appropriate nutrients that will give you a bountiful yield.

The soil needed to grow marijuana needs to be rich with organic matter, well drained and slightly acidic. If your own soil does not meet these standards then you need to bring your own soil up to what is needed.

How does one add the proper nutrients to their soil?

The best way to achieve good soil is to dig a relatively big hole and then add the good soil into the hole. You can buy pre-made soil to fill the holes or you can make your own own “super soil”.  Check out the following video


You need to prepare this soil ahead of time since after mixing it up you will need to let it sit for 28 days before you can use it.

Although making a batch of super soil is a little more expensive than just adding nutrients to your own soil it is also a surefire way to get the best possible soil for your own grow.

Now that you have your own spot picked out and your own soil ready to go and your own plants are planted and starting to grow the next thing you need to worry about it watering.

How Much Water Does Your Cannabis Plant Need?

A plant that is planted directly in the soil won’t need to be watered as much as a plant in a pot. The earth will hold the moisture and won’t dry out like it will in a pot. Also it has the added benefit from rainwater and groundwater. You can’t however depend totally on Mother Nature to water your own plants. You may be hit by dry hot weather so you will need to water your own plants.

how to grow marijuana outside
watering can

Cannabis plants can need up to 10 gallons of water a day so you need to be checking on your own plants. Over-watering is a common mistake made by many first time growers. A meter to check the moisture content of your own soil is an inexpensive tool that may come in handy. The other way to check is to stick your own finger in the soil. After sticking your finger in the soil you discover the top inch has dried out it is time to water again.

Another factor that you need to deal with when you are growing your own marijuana outside directly in the soil is pests.

The Fight Against Pests

One thing that you can do is plant your own marijuana plants away from other plants that you have. Any pests that are attracted to your own other plants will quickly move over to your own cannabis plants infecting them as well. Some pests are easier to protect against then others. You can erect some type of barrier to keep wildlife like deer, dogs, cats etc. away from your own plants. Other pest may be a bit more difficult.

One way to fight off pests is through companion planting. Certain plants will deter pests, for example, dill is great for keeping away the dreaded spider mite, while coriander also repels spider mites along with aphids and potato beetles.

You can also you an insecticide to fight off pests. If you use this method make sure the insecticide you are using is organic.

There is so much more to learn to help you grow cannabis outdoors. The best way is to just get in there and get your own hands dirty and also you can download the following guide.

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    • Jamiro Hazel
    • 01/14/2019

    With new finding investigations on how cannabis can be beneficial for certain illnesses in the body and its legalization in a lot of places  , I am pretty sure that this information will be valuable to those looking to invest in the plant so that they can have an easier access to it. I have read various article about how cannabis can be used in the body and lets just say i am intrigued. Helpful website. 

      • Brownie
      • 01/15/2019

      Thanks for your comment Jamiro.  As marijuana is investigated more I am sure it will be seen as beneficial to many with health issues.  I know personally it has helped me with medical issues and many others as well.

    • Sujandar Mahesan
    • 01/14/2019

    Growing marijuana can be a really difficult process but this article had everything I or anyone else needed to know about growing marijuana. It had all the information about growing them, preparing them and a lot more.

    This a well written article and thank you so much for sharing this article.

      • Brownie
      • 01/15/2019

      Hi Sujandar thanks for dropping by my site.  Growing marijuana does have its challenges but if you are a user it is well worth growing your own.

    • R.J.
    • 01/14/2019

    Hey Admin, your article was awesome. I didn’t know you could grow your own marijuana, I always thought that it was illegal to even have let alone grow it on your own property. Have you begun growing your own and if so, how much of it do you have? Your article was very informative and I think it’ll benefit people well considering that there are more and more states legalizing marijuana. Great job!

      • Brownie
      • 01/15/2019

      Hi R.J.  It is not legal everywhere to grow marijuana.  I live in Canada where the use of recreational marijuana became legal in 2018.  Each household is allowed to grow 4 plants.  Now if you have a medical licence that allows you to grow, the number of plants you can grow depends on your doctor’s prescription.

    • Michael
    • 01/14/2019

    Thanks for these awesome tips on how to grow your own marijuana plant. I honestly had no idea that it took so much work to plant and keep them alive, as it seems like they are a pretty healthy plant.

    I know some good friends that would love to know how to do this, so I’ll be sure to send them your blog post here.

    Have you ever planted marijuana before, and if so how did it take to grow? 

      • Brownie
      • 01/15/2019

      Hi Michael thanks for dropping by.  Growing marijuana outside can present with some unique challenges that you do not have when growing inside.  Plants usually take around 3 to 4 months to reach maturity and be ready for harvest.

    • Nkhosingiphile
    • 01/14/2019

    Growing marijuana outside is really cheap and affordable as long as you have the good fertilizers. I am hearing you talking of 10 gallons of water so my question is that is it OK to use a sprinkler to water my plants or i simply have to water using a watering can without the water touching the leaves, How the watering for the best product?

      • Brownie
      • 01/15/2019

      Hi Nkhosingiphile having good soil with all the right nutrients is crucial to growing good marijuana. Watering is also crucial to your plants health.  Too much water is just as bad as not enough water so you really need to know how much water your plant requires.  Also many growers when they water their plants they are also mixing nutrients in the water so maybe using a watering can may be better than a sprinkler.

    • Nuttanee
    • 01/14/2019

    Thanks for an informative post. I am just waiting for the bill to pass so I can grow it at my place. I tried it once when I was in college, I drowned the poor thing. Will keep in mind that planting on the ground doesn’t require that much watering. I always weter my plants every morning but what you mentioned made a lot of sense, that the ground holds moisture. Will try as soon as it’s ok to grow in NYC. 

    Will share your post to my friends.

    Take care

      • Brownie
      • 01/16/2019

      Hi Nuttanee hopefully you won’t have to wait too long before you can legally grow your own.  Medical marijuana has been legal in Canada since 2001 and just last year it became legal for recreational use.  I have never used it for recreational purposes but medically for me it has been a great help.

    • Xaric
    • 01/14/2019

    Hey Brownie,

    That’s a very solid guide on how to grow marijuana outdoors. I would love to do that myself at some point but it is highly illegal where I live.

    Some additional questions though…

    Which is the best month to plant my trees? Does it depend on the tree? Can I grow marijuana outdoors during winter?

    Thank you in advance for your response!


      • Brownie
      • 01/16/2019

      Hi Harry I would not advise you to grow marijuana illegally.  Having said that in order to grow outside you will need at least 3 to 4 months of warm temperature.  You could start your plants indoors in pots in the early spring then move them outside as the weather warms up.  I have no idea how cold or warm your winters are where you are but if you do get cold winters then no.  Growers will grow inside when the weather is cold.

    • Jason
    • 01/14/2019

    very helpful information. I live on the East coast and we have a very short growing season which is why I usually grow indoors. I only hate the limited size of the crops I can grow indoors. I might actually start an outdoor crop this season, you have some great recommendations for growing outdoors. I will be sure to bookmark this website.

    Thank You


      • Brownie
      • 01/16/2019

      Hi Jason thanks for dropping by.  I am familiar with the short growing season on the east coast.  My brother-in-law is always complaining about the same thing.  You could try starting them inside and then moving them outside as the weather warms up.  I think growing them in big pots would be your best bet.  Good luck!

    • Melissa
    • 01/14/2019

    Thanks for the article. I’ve been researching medical marijuana and CBD oil and I’m finding it all quite fascinating really! The laws are still so strange, it’s like no one really knows how to deal with it. Or some do and others don’t, but there seems to be many quirks, like the drop box you mention in Las Vegas. 

    I’ve seen the proliferation of CBD oil on the internet, and the huge benefits that people are seeing with that for a range of things. I am in Australia, and so far the companies I have looked at don’t sell CBD oil to Australia despite the THC having been removed, so I’m not sure what’s with that. Perhaps one day? I’m looking for alternative treatments for my mum who has tried just about everything, but still to no avail here. 

    Anyway your article was excellent and I’m sure that this industry is only going to grow (pardon the pun) in the future.

      • Brownie
      • 01/16/2019

      Hi Melissa thanks for visiting my site.  Your right about the laws.  I live in Canada so the laws are pretty straightforward, but the United States is something totally different.  I personally use CBD oil for pain.  I have a medical licence so I order from a supplier and it is delivered to the door.  We also grow our own and make oil but sometimes it is just easier to order.  I hope you find an alternative treatment for your mother that helps.

    • Todd Matthews
    • 01/14/2019

    It’s interesting to learn the process of growing marijuana. In the near future, as marijuana becomes more and more mainstream, we will see more articles like these as demand for marijuana increases. I can’t wait to see what happens regarding marijuana in the future but it looks bright as it’s legalized in different capacities across the US. 

      • Brownie
      • 01/16/2019

      Hi Todd you are right to say that as marijuana becomes more mainstream we will hear more about it.  Already we are seeing people getting involved with the production of medical marijuana in Canada that a few years ago were top cops here in Canada.  Hopefully they will legalize it nationally in the United States.

    • codevonish
    • 01/14/2019

    I am not a user of pot, but is familiar with it; I am sure the surge is more about money rather than the medical use; The website is clear and easy to follow.

    I am disappointed that there are so many people in Jails all over the world for possession or trading yet people next door are legally making millions from growing and selling.It’s an immoral concept.The United Nations should intervene and come up with a formula. Maybe the use of more dangerous drugs would be reduced if marijuana was legal globally.

    My only concern is education on the safe uses of the drug. Thanks for sharing. How do you compare pot with alcohol?

      • Brownie
      • 01/16/2019

      Hi Courtney thanks for dropping by.  People have for a long time said that marijuana did have many medical properties that could help many people but you do bring up a good point about the money.  Many people have jumped on the bandwagon now and as more and more places legalize marijuana there is more money to be made.  Everyday you read about some marijuana penny stock taking off.

      As far as my take on alcohol – I really don’t think there is much to say.  As far as I know alcohol does not have the same medicinal value that marijuana can have.

      Also your idea on education is spot on.  People should be taught about the safe way to use marijuana.

    • Seun Afotanju
    • 01/14/2019

    planting marijuana by an individual firstly one needs to know if planting marijuana is legal in the proposed country of planting else can result to arrest or sanction, in the case of it been legalized then indoor planting will be the best because pest won’t be a problem to worry to much about  and also the wind won’t be an issue. But in the case of outdoor planting pesticides should be used, but the question here is what pesticide is suitable for marijuana plant? 

      • Brownie
      • 01/16/2019

      Hi Seun thanks for dropping by.  I live in Canada where marijuana has been legal for medical purposes since 2001 and for recreational use since 2018.  Some growers would disagree with you about growing inside versus growing outside.  Many feel natural sunlight is much better for your plant than artificial light.

      As far as pesticides that can be used Health Canada has a list of 22 that can be used on marijuana plants.  This rule applies to the commercial growers of medical marijuana here in Canada.  If you are growing your own then the  rule of thumb is to use an organic pesticide.

    • Tsquare
    • 01/14/2019

    Thanks for this informative post. Growing Cannabis plant is not as difficult as I thought. Yes good soil and which is also known as loamy soil is the best for agriculture and also growing any kind of crop. Also an area with good sunlight will be of tremendous help to aid the growth of marijuana. Growing this crop is presently illegal in Nigeria but the debate is in the Parliament hopefully they approve it will help our economy to grow. 

    Thanks for this tremendous piece. Thanks. 

      • Brownie
      • 01/16/2019

      Thanks Olorunsola for your comments.  Good soil is necessary for growing marijuana as is sunlight.  Sunlight is a tricky thing so you need to know when your days start to get longer and when your days start to get shorter.  The reason for that is when you first start your plant it will need 12 hours of sunlight followed by 12 hours of dark.  The light helps with the vegetative stage and the dark helps with the flowering stage.

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